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Maryland Division of Corrections - Fiftieth Report, Fiscal Year 1978

NCJ Number
Date Published
62 pages
The report discusses the basic functions of the Maryland Division of Corrections, describes various programs (work release, prelease), and gives data on each correctional facility under the Division's jurisdiction.
A description and operating costs are given for the Maryland Reception Center, Baltimore; the Maryland Penitentiary, Baltimore; the Maryland House of Correction, Jessup; Maryland Correctional Institution, Hagerstown; the Maryland Correctional Training Center, Hagerstown; and the Maryland Correctional Institution for Women, Jessup. The operating costs, earnings, and labor sales of the Maryland correctional camp system are delineated. Federally funded programs and State use industries are described. Data also are given for active authorized capital projects, offenses of committed persons, age groups of committed persons, lengths of sentences of committed persons, demographic information on committed persons, and population figures and institutional movement for each facility.