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Marijuana Use: Male Booked Arrestees

NCJ Number
Date Published
8 pages
This report on data from the 1990 fourth quarter Drug Use Forecasting Program (DUF) surveys drug use by male and female booked arrestees.
DUF is designed to obtain voluntary, anonymous urine specimens from arrestees to determine trends in drug use in communities. DUF data are collected in booking facilities throughout the United States. In the fourth quarter of 1990, positive rates of drug use for male arrestees ranged from 23 percent in Omaha to 75 percent in Manhattan. Drug use for female arrestees ranged from 26 percent in Indianapolis to 77 percent in Detroit. Cocaine was the most prevalent drug among the majority of male and female booked arrestees. During the last three quarters of 1990, male arrestees in all but three of the DUF sites tested at the lowest overall percent positive since the beginning of data collection. Similarly, all but six of the sites recorded their lowest overall use for females. The percentage of juvenile male arrestees who tested positive for drugs ranged from 10 percent in San Jose to 26 percent in San Diego. Juveniles in Los Angeles were found to have the highest level of multiple drug use at 9 percent. At some sites, decreases in marijuana use have been detected among juvenile arrestees. Graphs show drug use trends among arrestees for each DUF site for the quarters of 1988-90.

