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Marijuana Use and Delinquency: A Test of the "Independent Cause" Hypothesis

NCJ Number
Journal of Drug Issues Volume: 21 Issue: 2 Dated: (Spring 1991) Pages: 231-256
H R White
Date Published
26 pages
This paper tests an "independent cause" hypothesis, that there is a degree of etiological independence between marijuana use and delinquency.
Adolescent subjects are clustered into groups based upon their levels of marijuana use and delinquency over time. The independent cause hypothesis is supported. Specific mode of friends' deviance clearly differentiates between deviants who become more involved in marijuana use and those who become more involved in delinquency. On the other hand, while several personality variables reliably distinguish deviants from nondeviants, they do not differentiate between marijuana users and delinquents. 6 notes, 4 tables, and 63 reference (Author abstract)