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Marijuana Analysis With Recording of Botanical Features Present and Without the Environmental Pollutants of the Duquenois-Levine Test

NCJ Number
Journal of Forensic Sciences Volume: 37 Issue: 6 Dated: (November 1992) Pages: 1656-1661
D J Hauber
Date Published
6 pages
So as to accurately document the botanical features present in a sample submitted as suspected marijuana and to reduce the problems of the disposal of the hazardous wastes produced with the use of the Duquenois-Levine Test, this article proposes a protocol that involves recording the morphological features of cannabis found in a sample and two thin-layer chromatography systems for determining the cannabinoids present.
To achieve the goal of recording the botanical features present in a submission of marijuana, the sample was visually examined; as much as possible was viewed stereoscopically with magnifications of 10 to 40 times. To different chemical tests in addition to the stereoscopic examination were required for reporting the identification of marijuana in the Kentucky State Police Forensic Laboratories System. The stereoscopic examination with thorough documentation of morphological features present and a more detailed determination and recording of the cannabinoids present in a sample with the two TLC systems discussed provide an unambiguous identification of Cannabis sativa L. This combination of methods is both rapid and inexpensive and involves less toxic materials that are easier to dispose of in an environmentally safe way than testing with the Duquenois-Levine Test. Because the problem is the identification not of a chemical but of plant parts present, the method emphasizes documentation of these plant parts and does not tie up instrumentation designed to identify chemicals. 3 tables and 10 references


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