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Maricopa County Juvenile Court Center Five Year Comparison, 1986-1990

NCJ Number
Date Published
75 pages
This report summarizes workload information for the Maricopa County (Arizona) Juvenile Court Center in 1990 and compares the court activity in 1990 with the activity of the prior 4 years (1986-89); a brief 25-year comparison of selected statistics is also presented.
The workload statistical comparison for the 5 years covers the general juvenile population for the county, complaints received, detentions, dispositions, petitions filed, and court hearings scheduled. State and county demographic statistics are followed by a county financial, personnel, and workload statistical summary. Data on type of referral cover the 40 most common reasons for referral, severity of referral, most severe offense per referral, violent offenses, vehicle thefts, and referring agency. The referral profile encompasses gender, age, ethnicity, school status, and number of previous referrals. Data on first offenders address severity of referral, gender, age, and school grade. Other data cover detention, probation, commitments, transfers, intake, home detention, diversion programs, recidivism, petitions filed, court hearings, and disposition of referrals. Appended zipcodes of residence for 1990 referrals

Corporate Author
Maricopa Cty Juvenile Court Ctr

3125 West Durango, Phoenix, AZ 85009, United States

Sale Source
National Institute of Justice/

Box 6000, Dept F, Rockville, MD 20849, United States

NCJRS Photocopy Services

Box 6000, Rockville, MD 20849-6000, United States

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United States of America