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Mapping the Interface Between Contemporary Risk-Focused Policy and Frontline Enforcement Practice

NCJ Number
Criminology & Criminal Justice Volume: 11 Issue: 3 Dated: July 2011 Pages: 242-258
Pamela Ugwudike
Date Published
July 2011
17 pages
This article will draw on a study that examined how the interrelated discourses of 'risk management' and public protection' pervading probation policy in England and Wales are translated in enforcement practice.
To develop an empirical account of the impact of contemporary penal developments on frontline probation practice in England and Wales, this article will draw on a study that examined how the interrelated discourses of 'risk management' and public protection' pervading probation policy in England and Wales are translated in enforcement practice. The study found a degree to resistance to the prevailing risk-focused policy agenda. Frontline probation practitioners reported that they tended to rely mainly on a compliance-oriented enforcement model underpinned by welfarist ideals reminiscent of penal modernism. (Published Abstract)

Publication Format
Publication Type
Report (Study/Research)
United Kingdom