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Manual for Structured Group Treatment with Adolescent Sexual Offenders

NCJ Number
I F Way; T J Balthazor
Date Published
140 pages
Group session exercises in this manual provide both therapists and adolescents with tools to deal with the difficult issues of treatment for adolescent sexual offenders.
The exercises, however, are only useful within the larger context of a well-established treatment program. Adolescent sexual offenders need to be evaluated on an ongoing basis to review appropriateness for treatment, risk to remolest, need for referral, and need for additional assessment. While the exercises are useful, the primary therapeutic benefit comes from group interaction and facilitators' knowledge, conscious awareness, and careful management of group dynamics. Therapists must recognize when their own issues interfere with providing assistance and must stay abreast of current knowledge in the field of treatment for adolescent sexual offenders. Because of the shame, low self-esteem, and reluctance of adolescents to enter therapy, therapists must convey their genuine interest in this population. The treatment of adolescent sexual offenders should be planned and implemented from a family perspective, since the family system that has contributed to adolescents' development will continue to influence their behavior. The manual identifies group therapy goals and structure as well as core and advanced exercises that focus on victimization, sexuality, sex roles, personality, and family relationships. Appendixes contain an evaluation form for adolescent offender groups and illustrate the cycle of abuse. 67 references, 40 notes, and 3 charts


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