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Manual for Scoring the Federal Probation System - Risk Prediction Scale 80

NCJ Number
Date Published
11 pages
The instructions contained in this manual serve as a guide in developing a risk score on the Risk Prediction Scale (RPS 80).
Originally developed by the U.S. Probation Office for the District of Columbia, the scale has been revalidated by the Federal Judicial Center on the basis of actual supervision outcome of a sample of Federal probationers. This prediction scale is a guide to how others with similar scores have done while on supervision and must be used to determine the supervision level of every probationer received for supervision. The RPS 80 contains a risk component which automatically places an individual in low activity supervision if he has completed a high school education and has a history free of opiate usage. Subsequent items, for probationers who do not get automatic assignment, begin with 28 years of age or older at time of instant offense and arrest-free period of 5 or more consecutive years. Few prior arrests, a history free of opiate usage, and at least 4 months of steady employment immediately prior to arraignment for present offense complete the list of criteria. Each of the above items is assigned to a point value. An address is given for directing questions that pertain to scoring this scale. A sample form of the scale is provided.