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Manual for Developing Traffic Records Systems for Local Jurisdictions

NCJ Number
Date Published
102 pages
This document describes the methodology for developing a manual traffic records system that can be used by local Tennessee jurisdictions to provide the information necessary to reduce traffic accidents.
The National Highway Safety Administration has found that a traffic records system is necessary to provide a guide for programs designed to reduce accident losses. This manual first identifies specific uses for traffic records systems and emphasizes that such systems must be accessible to all personnel involved in safety programs. Information produced by a records system will also be used by Tennessee's State officials to evaluate the eligibility of jurisdiction for financial assistance with safety activities. An overview of the basic information flow in a traffic records system -- input to files to output reports -- precedes a description of the system's individual elements. Items covered include the accident report form, supplemental reports related to an accident, citations, alcohol influence reports, and complaint reports. Filing procedures are outlined, and an accident spot map is strongly recommended. Formats are detailed for several types of output reports, such as accident statistics summaries for specific reporting periods, a list of locations with high accident rates, and results of enforcement programs. Because accidents are related to city size, the manual describes records system models for jurisdictions of less than 3,000 residents; cities exceed 15,000. Each description lists basic input data, needed filing systems, and essential output reports. Equipment and manpower requirements are noted. Maps, sample forms, and charts are used throughout the text. The appendix contains nine references; a glossary; and a directory of State safety, transportation, and development agencies.


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