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Managing Police Organizations - Text and Cases

NCJ Number
D A Tansik; J F Elliott
Date Published
275 pages
Using a functional approach to management which encompasses planning, organizing, staffing, directing, and controlling, the text develops cases around a single fictional organization, the Newton Police Department.
This approach allows students using the text in a course to use material from previous cases in the discussion of current cases. Cases presented in each chapter are preceded by theoretical discussion of the management concepts to be applied in the cases. The opening chapter presents a systems view of management in the context of which the roles of management and the manager are described. The chapter on planning treats the purposes, categories, and steps in planning, along with decisionmaking and aids to planning. Creating an organization, organizational structure, concepts of organizational structure, job design, and types of organizational structure are discussed in another chapter. An examination of staffing considers the principal areas of personnel administration, while a review of directing surveys motivation and leadership. Controlling, which involves ensuring that directed action within the organization occurs according to plans, is discussed in the context of a proposed basic control model. The final chapter deals with the management of organizational change, including behavioral issues and handling a turbulent environment. Each chapter is accompanied by review and discussion questions. Name and subject indexes are provided.