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Managing the Cutback

NCJ Number
Correctional OPTIONS Volume: 2 Issue: 1 Dated: (Fall 1982) Pages: 29-33
D G Evans
Date Published
5 pages
The Ministry of Correctional Services (Ontario, Canada) has implemented a cutback (or restraint) management program to conserve dwindling resources.
The management of restraint involves making hard decisions about staffing and service delivery. Constraints of professional norms, affirmative action commitments, and collective bargaining agreements place additional limitations on the ability of management to target effectively cuts in staffing. Moreover, low staff morale makes it difficult for managment to increase productivity that might compensate for some of the service cuts. Beginning in 1975, the government introduced a temporary hiring freeze and followed up in 1976 with financial controls that stopped managment's ability to shift budgets around so that more staff could be hired. Since 1975, management jobs have been reduced 15 percent. The Community Programs Division focused on reducing the management superstructure and encouraged new organizational approaches to service delivery. The main strategy was the provision of training to managers and the development of strategic and operational planning models in the ministry. In addition, training courses are currently being developed for line staff, with a focus on revising the basic training course for probation/parole officers. Fourteen footnotes and seven recommended readings are listed.


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