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Managing Adult Inmates - Classification for Housing and Program Assignments

NCJ Number
H C Quay
Date Published
88 pages
This manual presents information on the development, validation, and utility of an adult behavioral classification system for offender management and treatment.
The manual guides correctional administrators in deciding whether the system is suitable for their own institutions. Part I, designated as the user's guide, discusses how the Adult Internal Management System (AIMS) fits into the overall classification process and distinguishes between security level, custody level, and behavioral classification for determining housing assignments. The user's guide also describes the inmate groups identified by AIMS and answers some general questions about the system's approach and application. The AIMS classification process is explained along with its implementation in both existing and new institutions. A discussion of the system's utility draws on research data and users' experience. AIMS is then compared with three other classification systems: the security level and custody classification systems of the Federal Bureau of Prisons, and the salient factor scores used by the U.S. Parole Commission. Implications for current correctional practice are drawn. Part II describes AIMS' development and presents technical data pertinent to its reliability and validity. The appendixes contain the system's rating forms as well as the National Institute of Corrections' 'Principles of Classification,' which specifies the essential elements of any classification process. 5 exhibits, 9 figures, 17 tables, and 21 references.