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Management Services - Indonesia (From Corrections in Asia and the Pacific, P 153-159, 1980, William Clifford - See NCJ-74330)

NCJ Number
Date Published
7 pages
The organization, structure, and management of Indonesian corrections are described regarding both adult and youthful offenders; systems and procedures of the probation service are outlined.
In Indonesia, houses of correction deal exclusively with adult offenders, and intramural treatment programs are provided at these institutions. Houses of correction, categorized into three classes, are all basically structured according to four operational divisions, including the head of the house for planning and supervision; the administrative unit for personnel, finances, and in-house administration; the treatment section for inmate registering, disciplining, and treatment and training; and the management section, concerned with supplies, provisions, and maintenance of the facilities. The probation services provides extramural treatment for adult and juvenile offenders. It is also charged with intramural treatment programs for youthful offenders and juvenile delinquents. Throughout Indonesia there are at present 365 houses of correction and 28 probation offices. Both branches of corrections constitute a component of the Department of Justice. Definitions are provided for classes of institutions and for classes of probation officers. No references are supplied.