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Management in the Prosecutor's Office, Volume One - Organization, Planning, and Budgeting

NCJ Number
J G Banker
Date Published
200 pages
This compendium of outlines and articles focuses on the organization, planning, and budgeting processes involved in management in the prosecutor's office.
The compendium was prepared and distributed as course materials in the various management courses presented by the National College of District Attorneys. Materials appear in a wide variety of formats and approaches designed to give the reader a multiplicity of reading styles and viewpoints. The first chapter explains the basic principles of office organization, followed by an application of those principles to the prosecutor's office. A sample section of an office manual dealing with office organization is included for those desiring to prepare such a section for their own manual. The second chapter presents a detailed analysis of planning, including plan development, plan implementation, issues in planning, and pitfalls in planning. Step-by-step guidelines are provided to enable the reader to follow the correct sequence of action. The third chapter covers the general nature of budgeting, the use of budgeting as a management tool, and the theories and strategies of budgeting. In addition, an outline which includes sample charts and forms illustrates the process. Articles about grantsmanship discuss sources of funds outside normal tax revenues. The fourth chapter presents a guide to measuring organizational effectiveness. Different approaches to test office effectiveness are presented, including self-analysis, work measurement, office analysis, and a more analytical model. The final chapter presents guidelines for the use of consultants. Author biographies, reference lists, footnotes, and a suggested reading list are included. For Volume II, which covers planning, see NCJ 72746.