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Management Information System: Caseload Weightings

NCJ Number
Home Office Research Bulletin Issue: 37 Dated: (1995) Pages: 33-37
R J Gadsden; G J Worsdale
Date Published
5 pages
The Management Information System (MIS) operating in Great Britain provides performance indicators, based on a measure of overall workload, which allow magistrates' clerkships to review their efficiency and to make comparisons with other clerkships.
Overall workload is assessed by means of a weighted total of cases, reflecting the relative time spent on a case of a particular type. In 1989, the weights were modified to reflect both in-court and out-of-court time for a case type. The measures were deduced from information on the total number of cases of that type in a clerkship, the clerkship's sitting times, and staff resources available to the clerkship. This paper describes additional modifications made to the calculation of weights which were based on direct observations of time spent on cases. The original study was conducted in 1990-1992 before enactment of the Children Act; a further investigation occurred in 1992-1993, taking into consideration Children Act case weightings. 3 tables and 5 references