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Management Information System: Caseload Weightings

NCJ Number
Home Office Research and Statistics Department Research Bulletin Issue: 37 Dated: (1995) Pages: 33-37
R J Gadsden; G J Worsdale
Date Published
5 pages
Caseload weightings are discussed.
This paper discusses the results of studies of a management information system for magistrates' clerkships, designed to provide performance indicators that allow clerkships to review their efficiency and to make comparisons with other clerkships. The method for assessing overall workload is by means of a weighted total of cases. This paper describes improvements to the calculation of weights which are based on direct observation of times spent on particular cases. The original study took place in 1990-1992 before the enactment of the Children Act and subsequently; a further investigation took place in 1992-1993 with regard to Children Act case weightings. Methodology for both studies is described. Results indicate that the obtaining of weights needs to be an ongoing process to provide meaningful information. Regarding the work on the Children Act, further investigation is urged due to the small sample of clerkships studied over a relatively short period of time. References


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