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Management and Organizational Effectiveness: A Review of This Area With an Emphasis on Police Administration

NCJ Number
Police Journal Volume: 64 Issue: 2 Dated: (April-June 1991) Pages: 134-139
M W Small
Date Published
6 pages
This discussion of organizational effectiveness among police departments was prompted by the media attention paid to a report evaluating the New South Wales (Australia) police force. Findings from the theoretical literature are presented along with a discussion of practical considerations for managers.
Several approaches have been taken in analyzing organizational effectiveness in a police context. Among the better known are Parsons' examination of social systems functions and Campbell et al.'s description of criteria and measurements of effectiveness. Other theoretical frameworks include the goal attainment approach, the system resource model, the internal processes approach, and the strategic constituencies approach. This author suggests that 10 qualitative indicators of performance may be particularly useful in assessing effectiveness. They include public recognition, evaluation by superordinates, net performance, satisfaction of needs, measurement of work performance, comparison with other departments, visible innovations, research and publications, public service consultancies, and cooperation with other institutions. The first three concepts are deemed most important to senior police managers.


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