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Mall "Youth Booth:" An Idea Whose Time Is Now

NCJ Number
New Designs for Youth Development Volume: 8 Issue: 2, 3, & 4 Dated: (Spring, Summer, & Fall 1988) Pages: 63-64
L Cooper
Date Published
2 pages
The Mental Health Association in Ulster County (N.Y.) is reaching youths in new and innovative ways by providing a booth that provides information and referrals on a wide range of topics, including recreational opportunities, substance abuse intervention, and jobs.
The booth also makes available applications for motor vehicle learner's permits and working papers. The booth takes advantage of a youth's natural reluctance to risk going to a special place to seek information or help. Youths also do not have to give their names to talk to youth workers. Funding comes from the county legislature and the New York State Division for Youth, through the Ulster County Youth Bureau. The mall provided free space. The booth is a small kiosk located in a center aisle between an arcade and pizza restaurant. It opened with little publicity, aiming to serve the youths already in the mall. The booth operates an average of 17 hours each weekend and made 1,500 contacts with young people in its first 6 months of operation. The contacts ranged from picking up a pamphlet to suicide intervention. The booth also has a telephone line that is publicized. Factors aiding the project's operation have included the establishment of strict procedures for handling emergencies and the development of an ongoing relationship with mall security staff. Photographs.

Publication Format
Publication Type
Program Description (Demonstrative)
United States of America