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Male Victims of Domestic Violence

NCJ Number
Journal of Family Violence Volume: 28 Issue: 2 Dated: February 2013 Pages: 173-178
Babette C. Drijber; Udo J. L. Reijnders; Manon Ceelen
Date Published
February 2013
6 pages
This study examined domestic violence and male victims.
Most studies regarding DV focused mainly on female victims. To gain more insight into the problems male victims encounter, this study investigated the characteristics of this group in the Netherlands. Adult male victims of DV filled out an online questionnaire regarding the characteristics of the abuse (N=372). When men are victims of DV, they are physically as well as psychologically abused with the female (ex)-partners often being their perpetrator. The most important reason for men not to report the abuse is the belief the police would not take any action. The findings suggest society should be aware that men are also victims of DV and feel the need to talk about it and desire support. Abstract published by arrangement with Springer.