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Making Offenders Visible

NCJ Number
Howard Journal of Criminal Justice Volume: 49 Issue: 4 Dated: September 2010 Pages: 340-348
Terry Thomas; David Thompson
Date Published
September 2010
9 pages
This article discusses the Home Office announcement of criminal convictions.
The UK Home Office has announced (December 2009) a new policy to publicize the criminal court judgments on individual offenders to the local communities in which those offenders live. The Home Office believes that this is public information obtained fairly from the public forum of the criminal court and that such publicizing is merely boosting the job previously carried out by local reporters and newspapers covering the local criminal court. The initiative follows the Casey (2008) report that sought to find ways to reassure the general public on matters of confidence in the criminal justice system. This article considers how this initiative might work in practice based on earlier experiences of making offenders more visible to the communities from which they come. References (Published Abstract)

Publication Format
Publication Type
Legislation/Policy Analysis
United Kingdom