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Making Crime Prevention Pay: Initiatives From Business

NCJ Number
J Burrows
Date Published
50 pages
This report identifies innovative examples of crime prevention practice within commercial environments and provides case studies of initiatives that contribute to profitability by cutting crime losses.
Four sections of this document explore actions being taken by staff and outsiders to prevent theft; focus on the problems associated with preventing losses outside the confines of factory, office, or shop; deal with fraud; and address the violence and threats to which workers are subjected. A final section presents observations on the nature of business perspectives on crime problems and the perception of risk, problem identification, the investigation of alternative remedies and their implementation, and evaluation. Few companies dispute the need to make substantial sums available for protection in areas where crime risks are controllable such as warehouses or factories. Many industries have organized positive initiatives in operations that involve high volumes of transactions, and these also have proven their worth. 20 references