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Maine Administrative Office of the Courts - Annual Report, 1980

NCJ Number
Date Published
173 pages
The 1980 annual report is presented for the Maine Administrative Office of the Courts.
Following a brief history of the Maine Judicial Department, the nature of the supreme judicial court, the superior court, the district court, the administrative court, and the administrative office of the courts are described. Fiscal data are reported for fiscal year 1980 and compared with fiscal year 1979. Actions are reported in the areas of facilities, a study to upgrade county law libraries, personnel, and trial court administration. The nature and 1980 activities of the following committees are also reported: (1) the court forms committees for the superior court and the district court, which are responsible for reviewing and revising court forms; (2) the Advisory Committee on Court Management and Policy; (3) judicial department committees, which are intended to assist the chief justice, the supreme judicial court, and the chief judge of the district court in carrying out their responsibilities; and (4) the Committee on Judicial Responsibility and Disability, which is authorized to receive and investigate complaints of judicial misconduct and disability. Activities of the Maine Judicial Conference are also reported, and efforts in judicial education and nonjudicial training are described. Progress in statistical reporting systems is reported. Statistics are appended for each type of court.