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Maine Administrative Office of the Courts - Annual Report, 1979

NCJ Number
Date Published
201 pages
This 1979 report describes the functions of Maine courts and provides information on the court budget, the court statistical reporting system, judicial education, and court personnel. Appendixes, which form the bulk of the report, include court statistics for the years 1976-79.
The administrative office of the courts was created in 1975 to serve the entire judicial department in the areas of caseflow management, statistics, facilities, etc. Information on the supreme judicial court and law court, on the superior court, on the district court, and on the administrative court is also provided. The report indicates that judicial department expenditures for fiscal year 1979 totaled $8,671,806, a 15.1-percent increase over the previous year. The 14 functional committees within the judicial department are listed, and several of these are described. The statistical appendixes present data on cases in the law courts, superior courts, district courts, and administrative courts. Also appended are the annual report of the Board of Overseers of the Bar and the annual report of the Committee on Judicial Responsibility and Disability. An organizational chart is included.