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Louisiana Doctor/Lawyer Partnership in Substance Abuse Prevention: Materials From the Building Justice in Our Communities, U.S. Attorneys/LECC Coordinators Seminar, San Diego, Calif., October 11-14, 1994

NCJ Number
Date Published
58 pages
This document presents and overview, guidelines, and materials intended to assist the development of teams of physicians and attorneys to go into schools to provide drug prevention education in a law-related education format.
Initiated in Louisiana, the program aims to educate students in middle and high schools about the legal and medical consequences of drug abuse. Teaching is done by Assistant United States Attorneys, local attorneys, and local physicians. In Louisiana, the Lawyer/Doctor Partnership has developed its own lesson plan and role play for use in drug prevention education. These lessons are available for use in other areas. The first step in establishing a program is to hold a meeting between representatives of the United States Attorney's Office, the State or local bar association, and the State or local medical society. The next step is to establish a committee to review existing resources and design and implement the program. The manual presents a sample scenario and role play involving an attorney and a physician, sample information outlines from the Louisiana program, evaluations, and lists of talking points for physicians and attorneys

Corporate Author
US Attorney for the Eastern District of Louisiana

500 Camp Street, Room 210, Hale Boggs Building, New Orleans, LA 70130, United States

Sale Source
US Attorney for the Eastern District of Louisiana

500 Camp Street, Room 210, Hale Boggs Building, New Orleans, LA 70130, United States

Publication Type
Report (Technical Assistance)
United States of America