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Loss Reporting: Your Pipeline to Results

NCJ Number
Security Volume: 25 Issue: 3 Dated: (March 1988) Pages: 70-72
F A Bronhofen
Date Published
3 pages
Improving procedures for loss reporting improves overall security by providing essential data for strategic planning and permitting the analysis of each security incident.
Loss reporting also identifies the extent to which resources need to be used, thereby eliminating waste and providing more cost effective programs. In addition, it can prevent the expensive punitive awards judges and juries can make if an organization has failed to establish a program that identifies risks. A commitment from management is important to ensure total cooperation. Many parts of the organization should be involved, including operations, administration, audit, information systems, human resources, public relations, and safety. Computerized loss reporting systems are also available, as extensions of manual systems. The software program and the loss report form are the easiest parts of a loss reporting program. The main challenge is making all employees understand the need to report each loss. A public relations effort should explain the reasons for loss reporting and the benefits for each employee. Strategies are also needed to monitor the program's viability.