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Loss Prevention Through Management Involvement (From Retailers as Victims of Crime - Proceedings, P 110-119, 1982, C R Bevan, ed. - See NCJ-92065)

NCJ Number
R J Brown
Date Published
10 pages
A commitment to security, security training, and security awareness at all levels of a business operation are essential constituents of the security/loss prevention function.
Senior management must accept accountability in the supervision and control of security operations. This includes determining the extent and effects of loss on the annual results and future development of the business. Further, there must be a commitment by security personnel, internal audit employees, and management and employees at all levels of the company to cooperate in reducing loss through communication and training. Comprehensive personnel involvement in security concerns must be complemented by efficient and cost-effective systems, equipment, and insurance assessed against potential risks. Internal controls must be carefully developed and promulgated through strict policies and accountability for performance to ensure that stock controls and records are properly maintained. Further, a system of internal audit should be developed to monitor internal controls. Management's commitment to security must also be expressed in employee training programs, where employees can be informed about company security procedure and be conditioned to routinely perform security procedures as well as be sensitive to security situations.