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Loss Prevention Forecast 1986

NCJ Number
Security World Volume: 23 Issue: 1 Dated: (January 1986) Pages: 36-40
K Lydon
Date Published
5 pages
This article reviews the most significant change in security operations in 1985, identifies the greatest challenge for 1986, and projects trends in security management and technology for 1987 and beyond.
The installation of new security technology, including access control, closed circuit TV, and better intrusion detection, was the most significant change in security operations in 1985. Budget cutbacks were significant, but stable equipment investment and improved training maintained operations effectiveness. The greatest challenge for 1986 is the promotion of security training and awareness in every business sector. Security equipment will maintain the status quo and will require better vendor service. For 1987 and beyond, the primary trend will be toward increased security system automation, with the use of remote, wireless, and increasingly sophisticated technology as the hallmarks. Security personnel will be fewer and will have more technical skills. Closed circuit television will be used more as will card and keypad access control, computer access control software, video recording equipment, and disaster recovery services. New technology will consist of wireless alarm sensors, microwave and radio frequency alarm transmission, computer data encryption, and honesty testing. Graphs.


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