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Los Angeles Police Department Heat Wave Emergency Circular

NCJ Number
Date Published
5 pages
This circular provides information and advice on the nature and dangers of a heat wave and how citizens of Los Angeles can prevent heat-related illnesses during a heat wave.
A "heat wave" is defined as "more than 48 hours of heat measuring at least 90 degrees Fahrenheit and high humidity (80 percent relative humidity) expected;" exposure to full sunshine can increase the heat index by 15 degrees. Possible injuries or illnesses from exposure to a heat wave are heat cramps (painful muscle spasms); heat exhaustion, which is due to fluid loss that causes blood flow to decrease in the vital organs that results in a form of shock; and heat stroke, in which the victim's temperature control system stops working (the body temperature can rise so high that severe damage or death may result if the body is not cooled quickly). Symptoms of and treatment for each of the heat illnesses are outlined. Risk factors for heat illnesses include age, level of physical activity, general health, heart disease, high blood pressure, skin disease, kidney disease, liver disease, alcohol consumption, smoking, and clothing worn. General prevention tips are to dress for the heat, drink water, eat small meals and eat more often, avoid using salt tablets, avoid strenuous activity, and take a shower twice a day. General tips are also offered on how to care for heat-related illness and how to protect from heat-related illnesses in the home.