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Los Angeles Police Department Automated Teller Machine Crime Prevention Circular

NCJ Number
Date Published
4 pages
The purpose of this circular is for the Los Angeles Police Department to provide information on basic crime prevention techniques to reduce crime related to automated teller machines (ATM's).
The focus of the ATM crime prevention program is user safety. Because of the variety of ATM's, the unique characteristics of each installation, and crime considerations at each location, no single formula can guarantee the security of ATM customers; therefore, it is necessary for ATM customers to consider the environment surrounding each ATM and various procedures for being safe when using an ATM. ATM users should walk purposefully and with confidence, giving the appearance of being totally aware of surroundings. Criminals tend to avoid people who have this type of demeanor. Although ATM environmental design issues are covered in California law, there are other considerations that an ATM customer should consider prior to selecting and using an ATM. Some recommendations are to select an ATM at the corner of a building; identify an ATM with maximum natural surveillance and visibility from the surrounding area; select an ATM at a location void of barriers that block the line of sight of the ATM; select an ATM that is in a well-lighted location; and whenever possible, select an ATM that is monitored or patrolled by a security officer. Suggestions are also offered for what to do for safety prior to and during ATM transactions. Ways to prevent fraud related to ATM transactions are also listed.