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Looking Out, Looking In: Reflections on Race, Culture, and Values in the Police Service

NCJ Number
Police Journal Volume: 65 Issue: 4 Dated: (October-December 1992) Pages: 316-325
I McDonald
Date Published
10 pages
This author argues that the British police service needs to examine its organizational values regarding the majority attitude toward black officers.
There are six principle perspectives of the white, British response to black people. These include four behaviors -- physical attack, direct abuse, indirect abuse or humiliation, and exclusion -- and two perspectives deeply embedded in the value system of white, British society -- that culture is irrelevant and that culture can be treated separately from its social and economic context. The author points to five elements comprising a model for changing organizational values: heroes, ceremonies, stories, rituals, and symbols. He urges police managers to learn how to use cultural diversity to create advantages, rather than conflicts, for the organization. 11 notes and 16 references


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