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Longitudinal Evaluation of a Delinquency Prevention Program by Self-Report

NCJ Number
Journal of Offender Counseling, Services and Rehabilitation Volume: 10 Issue: 3 Dated: (Spring 1986) Pages: 59-82
D W Denno; R C Clelland
Date Published
24 pages
This paper reports a partially successful attempt to evaluate a particular delinquency prevention program in terms of a number of methodological and data weaknesses which are common in evaluation research.

The self-reported attitudes and behaviors of a comparison sample and an experimental sample are analyzed to determine the appropriateness of clientele selection into the prevention program, in addition to the effectiveness of program services over designated time periods. Examination of subject attrition and response differences between similar youths over time contributed to two general conclusions: the prevention program was successful in directing its efforts toward a relatively more seriously delinquent clientele. However, it appeared to be unsuccessful either in increasing the positive behaviors or in decreasing the negative behaviors of the target clientele in separate analyses or in comparison with the control group. (Author abstract modified)