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Linking Substance Abuse Treatment and Domestic Violence Services: A Guide for Treatment Providers, Desk Reference

NCJ Number
Patricia Anne Fazzone R.N.; John Kingsley Horton Ph.D.; Beth Glover Reed Ph.D.
Saul M. Levin M.D., Jeanie Ahearn Greene MSW
Date Published
54 pages
This guide presented treatment providers with information on the relationship between substance abuse treatment and domestic violence situations treatment and services.
This guide for treatment providers offered an introduction to the field of domestic violence and provided useful information on the role of substance abuse in domestic violence situations, among both men who battered and the women who were battered. The guide supplied useful techniques for detecting such information and ways to modify treatment, ensuring the safety of victims and stopping the cycle of violence. Chapter one provided an overview of the problem and linkage between substance abuse and domestic violence. Chapter two recommendations were presented to follow each type of client (survivors and batterers) chronologically through screening, referral, and treatment. Chapter three, the final chapter, included recommendations of the Consensus Panel and key information regarding legal issues, responsibilities, and rights to be aware of in working with substance abuse and domestic violence clients. Appendices include additional information on references, clinical instruments and tools, hotlines and other resources for domestic violence and related issues, and TIP (Treatment Improvement Protocol) 25 Consensus Panel.