NCJ Number
Date Published
24 pages
This report explains life cycle costing, an analytical technique for the evaluation of the economic impact of various design alternatives for a law enforcement facility.
The information is intended for use by planners, architects, engineers, and others involved in the planning, design, and construction of law enforcement facilities. These individuals must make decisions that will affect future resource allocations by the agency operating the constructed facility. Such future resource allocations would include the agency's being required to provide more or fewer personnel to operate the facility, to provide more or less frequent replacement of the facility's component parts, and to provide more or less supplies to operate the facility. Therefore, decisionmakers should be sensitive to the economic impact of their decisions projected over the life of the facility. The report explains the basic concepts involved in building economics and their applicability to the problems of law enforcement facilities, the mathematical formulas that are applicable to economic problem solving, examples of problems and solutions involving building economics and law enforcement facilities, and tables to aid planning officials in applying life-cycle costing techniques. Tables and 17 references (Author abstract modified)