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Level of Aspiration of Delinquents and Non-Delinquents - A Comparative Study

NCJ Number
Indian Journal of Criminology Volume: 13 Issue: 2 Dated: (July 1985) Pages: 132-138
R Thilagaraj
Date Published
8 pages
To examine goal-oriented behavior, Rotters level-of-aspiration board assessment was administered to 100 Indian male delinquents, 13 to 17 years old, and a comparison sample of 100 nondelinquents.
Analyses of data indicate that the groups did not differ significantly in the height of their aspiration in the goal-setting situation, but did differ significantly in goal discrepancy. Delinquents showed a large discrepancy, while nondelinquents showed a smaller one. The attainment discrepancy of delinquents was significantly larger than that of nondelinquents. Finally, the groups differed significantly with respect to goal tenacity, with nondelinquents manifesting higher tenacity. Results suggest that (1) delinquents may be unrealistic in their goal-setting, (2) are unwilling to exert the effort necessary to achieve their aspirations, and (3) do not modify their aspirations to more attainable levels on subsequent goal-settings. 20 references.