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Lessons Learned: Case Studies of the Initiation and Maintenance of the Community Response to Drugs - Executive Summary

NCJ Number
S N Weingart; F X Hartmann; D Osborne
Date Published
37 pages
Community responses to drugs are discussed.
The purpose of this study is to examine in some detail the phenomenon of the citizen response to drugs. By collecting detailed accounts of antidrug initiatives, important features of community antidrug groups are identified. Grassroots involvement and local citizen leadership were primary criteria for selecting the case study sites. Initial findings and preliminary recommendations are offered. Among the researchers' conclusions is the determination that because there is no single community response to drugs, it is important to appreciate and cultivate variability and innovation. Different environments necessitate different interventions. In addition, police officials need to overcome skepticism of citizen antidrug efforts and foster the development of community-based strategies which incorporate the creativity, imagination and efforts of community drug fighters. Appendix A discusses the methodology of site selection and case preparation. Appendix B contains summaries of the completed case studies. Footnotes