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Lesbians in Currently Aggressive Relationships: How Frequently Do They Report Aggressive Past Relationships?

NCJ Number
Violence and Victims Volume: 6 Issue: 2 Dated: (Summer 1991) Pages: 121-135
G Lie; R Schilit; J Bush; M Montagne; L Reyes
Date Published
15 pages
This article presents findings from a survey that examined the frequency with which women in currently aggressive homosexual relationships also report past aggressive relationships with female partners, male partners, or members of their family of origin.
One group of survey respondents was recruited from 350 self-identified lesbian women on the mailing list of a lesbian organization in Tucson, Ariz. A total of 104 valid survey responses were received. A second group of survey recipients was recruited by word of mouth through lesbian supporters of the research project in the Phoenix metropolitan area. A total of 70 completed questionnaires were received from this group. Since the two groups were not statistically significantly different, they were combined into one group for analysis. Findings indicate that approximately one-fourth of the respondents had been victims of aggression in current relationships, approximately two-thirds had been victimized by a previous male partner, and almost three-fourths had experienced aggression from a previous female partner. Among those who reported having been both victims and users of aggression, approximately one-fifth had used aggression in their current relationship, almost one-third used aggression with a previous male partner, and nearly two-thirds had used aggression with a previous female partner. A majority of victims who had also used aggression with a previous male partner characterized this as defensive compared to only 30 percent of those who had used aggression with a female partner. Aggression in relationships with a female partner was most often described as mutually aggressive. 5 tables and 21 references (Author abstract modified)


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