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Legalized Gambling

NCJ Number
M E Williams
Date Published
187 pages
These 28 papers present diverse perspectives on legalized gambling and are intended as a resource for both students and general readers.
Individual papers examine the history of legalized gambling, the proliferation of gambling casinos, the psychological impacts of gambling, stress and burnout among casino workers, issues related to computerized bingo, and the use of the Internet for gambling. Additional papers present the personal stories of gamblers, a discussion of Atlantic City, N.J., and an account by the spouse of a gambling addict. Further papers present opposing arguments regarding the impacts of legalized gambling on society, the impacts of casinos on Deadwood, S.D., lottery advertisements, and compulsive gambling. Other papers examine gambling on Indian reservations and focus on the history of tribal gaming and the impacts of gambling on specific tribes. Annotated list of resource organizations, index, and 47 references


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