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Legalization of Illicit Drugs -- Part II: Hearing Before the House Select Committee on Narcotics Abuse and Control, September 30, 1988

NCJ Number
Date Published
260 pages
The House Select Committee on Narcotics Abuse and Control held a hearing on September 30, 1988 to consider the legalization of illicit drugs.
Opening statements and initial testimony at the hearing addressed such issues as the transfer of drug regulation from the criminal arena to the health arena, the dangers of drugs like cocaine and heroin, the production of coca in South American countries such as Peru and Bolivia, rehabilitation for drug addicts, cultural changes in society, drug treatment, and drug education. Testimony was presented by a drug historian, medical and social work professors, a recovered drug addict, the development director of the Scott Newman Center, and others. Testimony and prepared statements highlighted the pros and cons of drug legalization and dealt specifically with the effects of cocaine, State drug control legislation, attitudes toward drugs, employee drug addiction, the issue of victimless crime, and links between drug abuse and crime.