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Legalization of Illicit Drugs: Impact and Feasibility (A Review of Recent Hearings); Report of the Select Committee on Narcotics Abuse and Control

NCJ Number
Date Published
28 pages
This report presents findings and recommendations by the House Select Committee on Narcotics Abuse and Control from a 2-day hearing (September 29-30, 1988) on the legalization of all illicit narcotics.
A summary statement is presented from each witness, along with committee findings. Overall, the committee concludes that the burden of proof regarding the benefits of drug legalization must be on its advocates; and until legalization proponents can demonstrate that the benefits of such a policy outweigh the risks to health and drug-related violence, drug legalization should be rejected. The committee notes that the witnesses at the hearing had no consensus on the approach that should be taken in the legalization of illicit narcotics; neither was there agreement on the types of currently illicit drugs that should be considered for legalization. Moreover, there are no data to support the theory that drug legalization would result in less crime; more affordable narcotics; or decreased drug experimentation, abuse, or addiction. The committee recommends an expanded effort in drug treatment and rehabilitation, improved drug law enforcement in major U.S. cities, and increased drug-prevention education in the schools.

