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Legal Terminology - A Programmed Approach

NCJ Number
M H Knapp
Date Published
397 pages
Intended for aspirants to law-related professions such as attorney, court reporter or transcriber, legal assistant, and legal typist or secretary, this workbook offers a self-help program for mastering legal terminology.
The workbook comprises 37 units arranged by topics such as court documents and jurisdiction; judgments, decrees and appeals; criminal acts; estates and trusts; corporations; etc. Each page contains exercises with blanks to be filled in and checked against an answer column. Upon completion of the course, the student should have competency in defining, using, pronouncing, spelling, and transcribing over 960 of the most commonly used legal terms. Also gained would be the ability to recognize, pronounce, spell, and transcribe hundreds of similar legal terms that are less familiar but patterned on the common words and word parts learned in this text. The book should also contribute to an understanding of many points of law not usually assimilated through lecture series. An alphabetical index of the terms presented appears at the end of the workbook. Review drills matched to the major exercises are also given.