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Legal Services Commission of British Columbia - Annual Report, 1977-1978

NCJ Number
Date Published
29 pages
This third annual report of the British Columbia Legal Services Commission describes the Commission's activities from April 1, 1977, to March 31, 1978.
The Commission's purpose is to see that legal services are provided to the people of British Columbia, with particular attention to those for whom legal services are not presently available for financial and other reasons. The Commission focuses on two types of services: client services provided on an individual basis and education and information services provided to the general public. The Commission funds the following organizations devoted to providing direct legal services: (1) the Legal Aid Society, which provides services under criminal law, family law, and other civil cases; (2) community law offices, which provide legal information and assistance to the public in locations throughout the Province; (3) native legal services, which are oriented primarily toward the special needs of Native Indians; (4) the Vancouver Community Legal Assistance Society, which provides legal services to low income people and groups; (5) the Elizabeth Fry Society, which serves the special legal needs of women; and (6) the Native Courtworker and Counseling Association, which is intended to reduce conflict between Native people and the justice system. The support services discussed in this report include training of community legal workers, research in legal services issues, evaluation of funded programs, coordination of public legal education programs, provision of legal information services through the Legal Resource Centre, and development of legal education programs in the public schools. Budget information is appended.