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Legal Perspectives: AIDS as a Handicapping Condition (From Legal, Medical and Governmental Perspectives on AIDS as a Disability, P 22-33, 1987 -- See NCJ-116519)

NCJ Number
J Parry
Date Published
12 pages
AIDS is both a gay rights issue and a handicapping condition, according to this author, and he details the legal and disability issues facing AIDS victims.
This author defines AIDS, explains how it is transmitted and outlines the public's response to AIDS. Public health and societal concerns regarding this handicapping condition are addressed in the areas of compulsory detention, isolation or hospitalizations as well as confidentiality, research, and blood testing. Handicap discrimination questions are identified as employment, public accommodations, education, and insurance matters. Public entitlements -- access by persons with AIDS both to Federal services and community services -- are discussed. Relevant court decisions pertaining to disability law are cited throughout the article. 116 notes.


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