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Legal Ease: A Guide to Criminal Law, Evidence, and Procedure

NCJ Number
Andrea Campbell; Ralph Ohm
Date Published
315 pages
This book explains the practice of law through all phases of the criminal justice system.
Part One, "Criminal Law Explained," discusses the evolution of law, defines criminal conduct, and identifies its elemental parts. One chapter in this section profiles the tools for accessing laws, principles, and precedents. Part One provides an overview of both punishments occasioned by convictions and defenses, including remedies and justification for unintended conduct. Part Two, "Criminal Procedure and Evidence," presents the steps of constitutional arrest, search, and seizure. Chapters explain constitutional rights and the equitable rules promoted by the founding fathers. The application of these rights and rules under changing social, economic, and demographic conditions is also addressed. Chapters in this section provide overviews of law enforcement, prosecutors, and defenders, with attention to how the personnel in these areas of criminal justice attempt to implement legal ideals in difficult and ambiguous circumstances. One of the most difficult challenges is to balance the right of society to feel secure with an individual's right to privacy and freedom. Part Three provides "A Walk Through the Criminal Justice System," as it incorporates the views of all the players involved in the criminal justice system and portrays what the law is intended to accomplish through the actions of the criminal justice system. The intent of this book is to explain the operation of the criminal justice system for any interested person, regardless of background or education. Appended explanation of the Bill of Rights, a list of resource websites, a 50-item bibliography, and case and subject indexes


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