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Legal Aspects of Discipline by Police Administrations, 4th Edition

NCJ Number
R N Williams
Date Published
14 pages
Members of a law enforcement organization must have a clear understanding of what is required or prohibited to function successfully. These rules for the internal operation of an agency must stand up to constitutional standards in language and application.
Today the courts, both State and Federal, as well as several Federal government agencies are looking over the shoulders of police administrators. By their rulings, the operations of the department must be reviewed and revised. The legal rulings of courts in the discipline of departmental personnel matters are only one example of this new trend. There continues to be room for the exercise of authority by a law administrator in discipline of his personnel, but such authority must be within the bounds of the law. Departmental personnel matters discussed include conduct unbecoming an officer, association with undesirables, criminal offense by officer, misuse of alcohol or other drugs, and immorality. Others are misuse of firearms, bribery, neglect of duty, and free speech and political activity. Appendix and 152 notes