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Leadership in a Team Environment

NCJ Number
Security Management Volume: 36 Issue: 9 Dated: (September 1992) Pages: 28- 31,33
J H Zenger; E Musselwhite; K Hurson; C Perrin
Date Published
5 pages
As organizational theory has evolved, it has become evident that there is a need for a new style of corporate management that is more strategic; more collaborative; more facilitative; and more responsive to customers, employers, and organizational priorities.
Three principal skill layers of the new management role combine to emphasize five strategic skills: develop self- motivated people, encourage groups of diverse people to generate their own best ideas, build teams that manage more of their own day-to-day work, champion cross-functional efforts to improve quality and productivity, and anticipate and respond to changes dictated by external forces. Today's manager needs to help employees focus on organizational crosscurrents, key business trends, and evolving customer needs. Management at every level must delegate important new responsibilities to the level just below it so that, ultimately, executives can spend more time guiding the overall course of their organization.


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