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LEAA National Workshop for State Planning Agency Court Specialists - Introduction

NCJ Number
Date Published
0 pages
The proceedings of a workshop held in Cleveland, Ohio, from March 28 to April 1, 1976, are presented. The workshop included speakers on court planning, programming, and administration.
It covered five stages: (1) definition of the court specialist's role and function within the criminal justice system, (2) identification of methods for satisfying the court specialist's function and accepting his/her role (how planning is done), (3) identification of program areas where these methods may be applied and tested, (4) identification of resources which may be used with the methods presented, and (5) identification of future issues in the adjudication process. The keynote speaker, Justice Henry McQuade, former LEAA deputy administrator of policy development, traces the evolution of LEAA and details agency programs for improving the courts. The last speaker, Chief Justice C. William O'Neill of the Ohio Supreme Court, discusses ways of reducing court congestion through administrative changes. He delineates the step-by-step process that was used in Ohio to achieve this goal, including the adoption of new rules of civil procedure and the delegation of responsibility to the State supreme court to supervise all the other Ohio State courts. For other tapes of this workshop session, see NCJ 79823-28.