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Law - The Rules of the Game Series

NCJ Number
Date Published
0 pages
Five filmstrips for students discuss various aspects of law, including the need for laws, what makes a good law, who makes the laws, and how laws are interpreted and enforced; a sixth filmstrip portrays a mock trial.
Laws are needed to bring order, safety, and justice to society. The development of ancient Greek and Roman law and the Magna Carta laid the foundation for the present democratic system of laws in this Nation. Today, laws regulate human behavior toward commonly accepted standards. A good law comes out of experience and then is communicated to all who must abide by it. The Constitution guarantees that all Americans have a part in the legislative process, either directly or indirectly. Laws are enforced and interpreted by the executive and judicial branches of the Government. A mock trial transcript portrays the judicial process in action so that students can be eyewitnesses to courtroom procedures. The teacher's study guide contains background information; a synopsis of each filmstrip; and an outline of each filmstrip's use in curriculum, learning objectives, and evaluation. Suggested activities, vocabulary, and related references are given for each file.