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Law-Related Education Evaluation Project (United States), 1979-1984

NCJ Number
Date Published
258 pages
This manual presents a general description of the 1979-84 evaluation of law-related education and detailed descriptions of the data collection methods and the data dictionaries for each data collection phase.
The evaluation measured the degree of awareness of and receptivity to law-related education among professional groups and primary and secondary students. In 1981 and 1982, questionnaires were mailed to a sample of professionals in selected education organizations as well as to school principals, juvenile justice personnel, and law school deans. Respondents were asked about their knowledge of and interest in law-related educational programs. Primary and secondary school students were selected for an impact evaluation of the law-related education programs. Questionnaires were administered to students during academic years 1982-83 and 1983-84, before and after taking law-related education courses. Data are organized in four files, two files from the mail-out surveys and two from the student impact questionnaires. This manual's descriptions of each of the four surveys covers purpose and population, the instrument, data handling, and the file description. Data dictionaries present information on each variable. Copies of the instruments appended.


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