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Law Reform Commission of Saskatchewan Yearly Review, 1981

NCJ Number
Date Published
19 pages
The report describes the programs and activities carried out by the Law Reform Commission of Saskatchewan (Canada) during 1981.
The Commission conducted research and issued background papers in family law, proposed changes in the consumer credit law in Saskatchewan, studied and completed a report on the doctrine of strict liability, and issued reports on medico-legal issues (i.e., the legal status of the dependent adult, artificial insemination, etc.). Other projects involved administrative law, a study of English statutes in force in the Province, claims actions, sale of goods laws, frustrated contracts, and others. Commission reports relating to child custody and guardianship are reviewed, and its 1982 plans are outlined. Notes on Commission personnel, the Law Foundation of Saskatchewan, and other law reform organizations are included. A list of 40 publications and the act establishing a Law Reform Commission are appended.