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Law Enforcement for the Twenty-First Century: An Entry-Level Guide

NCJ Number
Tom Dempsey; David Coffey
Date Published
525 pages
This text aims to provide a resource and reference to support basic, entry-level law enforcement training and focuses on core topic areas covered in training across regions and nationally.
The volume reflects the authors’ combined total of more than 35 years of experience in training and educating criminal justice personnel, primarily police officers. The first section focuses on policing as a profession. Individual chapters focus on the history of policing, the role of the police in a free society, and the role of human relations. The second section focuses on crime in terms of its occurrence, classification, and measurement. Its chapters detail the definition, classification, and measurement of crime; criminal law; issues in constitutional law; the juvenile justice system; and legal liability. The next section examines patrol operations and includes chapters on patrol techniques, patrol skills and police officer safety, responding to calls, and vehicle pullover and approach. The final section focuses on defensive skills and the protection of life. Its three chapters discuss defensive tactics and weapons, firearms, physical training, and lifetime wellness. Chapter reference notes, list of cases, index, appended list of States for which police training standards were reviewed, and 121 references


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